Wednesday, April 25, 2012

NNTPgrab: Another IPv6-enabled newsgroup downloader

I just discovered another IPv6 enabled newsgroup downloader: NNTPgrab. It has a built-in search function. Quite handy.

NNTPgrab runs on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. Homepage is

Installation on Ubuntu was easy, thanks to the PPA provided by Erik van Pienbroek:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openftd/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install nntpgrab

Then start up NNTPgrab by typing "nntpgrab_gui". In the popup-window, select "Start standalone" in the right bottom corner. That will start the server and the GUI.

Alternatively you can start a separate server and GUI:


In the GUI you can add your newsserver. I used the following free newsservers:

The downloads go quite well, although they seem to stay in ~/NNTPGrab/Temp and are not moved to ~/NNTPGrab/Downloads

PS: the NNTPgrab config file is


EDIT: there is a better GUI. Install it with:

        sudo apt-get install nntpgrab-gui-qt

Then start with the GUI with "nntpgrab_gui_qt" (so: underscores, not dashes), This Qt-GUI looks better, and can actually connect to remote nntpgrab-servers.

Happy downloading!

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